XV International Symposium "Atmospheric and Ocean Optics, Atmospheric physics"
June 22-29, 2008, Krasnoyarsk, Russia
Author's Index
Author: Теннисон Дж. (Университетский колледж Лондона, Лондон, Великобритания)
List of reports:
- B.A. Voronin, A.D. Bykov, O.V. Naumenko, S.N. Yurchenko, R.N. Tolchenov, J. Tennyson
VTT - Lilnelist for HD16O up to 25500 cm-1
- A.S. Osipova, N.N. Lavrentieva, J. Tennison, R. Barber
Global description of contour parameters of water vapor spectral lines
- N.N. Lavrentieva, T.P. Mishina, L.N. Sinitsa, J. Tennyson, R. Barber
Water vapor selfbroadening and selfshifting calculation using by exact wave functions
- T.Yu. Chesnokova, A.D. Bykov, A.V. Kozodoev, B.A. Voronin, J.Tennyson
Weak water vapour absorption lines contribution to the atmospheric radiative transfer